3.8. Custom fields


The easiest case in your store is having a product that is unique and has no variants. But often you need to offer a product in different sizes, colors or other attributes so that your clients get exactly what they want. Sometimes, these attributes have a relationship to the price and sometimes, they have different descriptions etc.To achieve your goal you have to create a custom field.Custom fields are used to customize products.

Open Custom Fields section to manage existing and create new custom fields. You can add, edit, delete, publish or hide custom fields. All custom fields are listed in the grid, which you can export to Excel, HTML, XML and other formats:

Custom fields toolbar

General Information:

Custom Field ID - for internal use only. ID is a unique category identification that cannot be edited.

Custom Field Type - the types available are: string, integer, parent, boolean, date, time, image, cart variant, generic cart variant, editor, text area, plugins. For a simple information field, a string is perfect.

Published - tick this checkbox to enable custom field.

Title - it helps if the title is meaningful because this is the field name that will be shown when a custom field is selected for a product.

Parent Custom Field - if you are making a group of custom fields that will go together, you will be able to select a parent item.

Cart Attribute - this option allows you to add some options to a product that can modify the product price.

Description - this will be visible on the site as well as in administration.

Default Value - a default value that will show on the site.

Tooltip - if this is filled in there will be a tooltip that pops up when you click the information icon.

Layout position - You can choose the layout position in various ways, e.g. on top (on top) or on the bottom (onbot) of the product images.

Admin only, Is a List? Hidden? - Admin only and Hidden are self-descriptive. The one that causes most confusion is "Is a list?" You would use this to create a selection list of multiple attributes like a list of radio buttons for colors.

Consider the following page with the additional information on Custom fields applying in Store Manager.

VirtueMart Custom Fields - the Way to Manage Your VirtueMart Attributes