6. Image Settings


Image Settings page represents with the image's parameters which can be set and displayed on Products page.

Image Settings page

The upper part consists the settings of the base images width and height. You can leave the default values or specify your own ones by using the up-and-down arrows options.

Full Image Settings

The lower part contains the main configurations for thumbnails.

Once the upper condition is checked the back-end's settings will be taken into account during thumbnail forming and displaying on the Products page.

Apply thumbnail options from store config

To allow thumbnails generating according to the specific configurations - choose the second condition and specify the parameters of the images in the appropriate fields of width and height:

Generate thumbnails for uploading images

The watermark, used to make the store images unique and share-protected, you can apply for thumbnails as well - by clicking on the following condition:

Draw watermark on thumbnail image

Press 'OK' to save the specified data and close the current section.

By eMagicOne Inc.