4.2.1. Export Shoppers


To export shoppers from Store Manager for VirtueMart follow a few steps:

1. Go to Store / Shoppers / Export Shoppers.

Export shoppers option

Store Manager can export VirtueMart Shoppers to .csv file. You should enter the filename or select one (using browse button).

If you want to export data to a file located on FTP server you need to have correct FTP settings for this.

Also, you can save export settings for future shoppers export orLoad From File’ one to use now.

2. Fields Delimiter page has some important settings. Check them to ensure proper configuration.

Select fields delimiter
    • The first option is delimiter character. Most popular delimiters are the comma (,), semicolon (;) and tab character ( ), however, other symbols can be used as well.

The export file is usually generated for further import. If the incorrect delimiter is specified during import, the file will not be parsed properly and the customers will not be imported.

    • The second option is quote string values. It is used to separate strings in CSV file.

3. The next Import Wizard page includes 'Base Formats' and separators. They can be set by default.

Base formats

4. At the next step, you have to specify which shoppers you'd like to export. You can export all shoppers or only filtered ones or those, you've chosen before opening Export Wizard.

Export options

5. Select fields you want to be exported:

Select fields to export6
Move field to the right

All available fields that can be exported are listed in the left pane. Select fields you want to export and click button to move them to the right pane.

Move all fields

If you'd like to export all fields simply press the following option.

The order in which columns will be saved in .csv file can be changed. To do it, you can drag columns up and down to change their positions in a list.

You can link already grouped shopper’s data to facilitate the process of selecting fields to export.

In order to perform this, press 'Add Group of Fields' button and from the drop-down list of available ones choose necessary datasets.

Select fields to export

Since the last program's update the filter row is available on this step of exporting which you can use to find the necessary fields for transferring from the whole product fields:

Filter row

All selected data will be displayed in the right section of the window.

Add expression field

To combine, to summarize, etc data fields you can use the Expression Editor. To launch editor's form simply click on 'Add Expression Field' button

in the top toolbar and type necessary expression in the appropriate field.

You can use help button for assistance (see image below).

Create expression formula

Check the correctness of typed expression allows 'Execute Expression' button.

If everything is correct, click 'OK' and your expression will be displayed in the right list of fields to export.

Expression Formula in the List

Please note, if you press 'Export' button the export process will be started.

Export button

The next step - it is a review of exported data - exported fields, delimiters between them

Preview importdata

and three following options after you close the export wizard:

Actions after export

1) open the directory, where the file with exported data is located (2);

2) open the file with exported data directly (3);

3) just close the window and continue to work in Store Manager (1).

When you press ‘Save Settings to File’ button, you save all export configuration to .cfg file and can use it the next export process.

Save export settings to a file

Pressing the other button you can save these settings in the wizard directly.

Save in the Wizard button

Next time you can upload them from the drop-down list at the initial stage of the export procedure.

To close export wizard click the "Finish" button.

Finish button

To obtain additional detailed instructions about the current process you can also by checking the following article here:

Export VirtueMart Shoppers to CSV