4.6. Export Shoppers
Export Shoppers Wizard will help you to export your shoppers from VirtueMart to comma-separated values file (.csv), which can be easily opened in MS Excel or other application for detailed analysis.
To export shoppers from VirtueMart follow a few steps:
1. Go to Store ->Shopper - >Export Shoppers
2. Store Manager can export VirtueMart shoppers to .csv file. You should enter the file name or select one (using browse button).
Also, you can Save Export Settings for future VirtueMart shoppers export or load one to use now.
3. Fields Delimiter page has some important settings. Check them to ensure proper configuration.
The first option is delimiter character. Most popular delimiters are the comma (,), semicolon (;) and tab character ( ), however other symbols can be used as well.
Export file is usually generated for further import. If incorrect delimiter is specified during import, file will not be parsed properly and the customers will not be imported.
Second option is quote string values. It is used to separate strings in CSV file.
4. Specify base formats, which will be used in exported file.
5. Select fields you would like to export:
6. Preview export file and proceed.
All available fields that can be exported are listed in the left pane. Select fields you want to export and click ">" button to move them to the right pane.
If you'd like to export all fields simply press ">>".
To facilitate the selection process you can add the fields related to the shipping or billing details at once - use the grouped data from the list below:
'Add Expression Field' serves for creating and inserting to the exported field(s) the appropriate extended formula by helping which the data will be customized.
Please note, before the SQL statement applying verify its correctness:
If all necessary fields are dropped to the right you can move to the next stage to preview the data which are ready to export.
Choose which action to perform after saving export data. Use "Nothing" option and Wizard will be automatically closed. If you wish to open a directory containing result file, check corresponding option.
Open result file option allows you to see an export file in Excel.
Also, you can Save Export Settings for future VirtueMart shoppers export or load one.
Attention! When you press "Finish" Button, export process will start!
Check the following article for more information: